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Grotto Library

The VCA maintains a library of cave-related books, papers, and periodicals. The holdings are listed in the catalog below. The items are generally stored by the librarian and are available for loan to VCA members in good standing. Items can be checked out by contacting the librarian (Caver Tim) and can be kept for three months. In addition, members who register on this website can freely download past VCA newsletters from the publication archive.

  • Books and Papers

    • Educational

      • A Guide to Responsible Caving - NSS

      • Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988

      • Guide to Responsible Caving

      • Living on Karst - Carol Zokaites

    • Exploration

      • Beneath the Mountains: Exploring the deep caves of Asturias - Rose and Gregson

      • Lechuguilla Cave Exploration Guidelines

      • Lechuguilla Cave Exploration Summary

      • Ten Years under the Earth - Norbert Casteret

    • Individual Descriptions

      • Abismo Guy Collet (Brazil)

      • Adirondack Spencer's Cave Thesis

      • An account of Knoepfel's Schoharie Cave (Balls Cave)

      • Anatomy of a South African Karst Hydrosystem - Hobbs et al

      • Big Manhole Cave Retrospective Presentation with_notes - Peerman

      • Blue Spring Cave - Matthews

      • Blue Spring Cave Geology, Hydrology, and Geomorphology - Engel

      • Exploration and Survey of Ellisons Cave - Smith

      • Exploration of Acro Tunnel - Sanchez 1959

      • Geomorphic History of Martin Ridge Cave

      • IC-35 Speleography of Papoose Cave, Idaho

      • Karst Hydrology and Geomorphology of the Barrack Zourie Cave System

      • Locating a Sealed Cave in Kentucky Using Electrical Resistivity Surveys

      • Main Drain Cave, Utah

      • Memorial Day Cave Trip Reports

      • Port Miou and Le Bestouan (Cassis, France) - Gilli

      • Sistema Sac Actun, Mexico

      • Speleogenesis of Shoveleater Cave, Pendleton County

      • The Jewel Cave Adventure - Conn

      • The Longest Cave - Brucker

      • Trapped! The Story of Floyd Collins - Brucker

    • Regional Surveys

      • A Guide to the Selection of Limestone Caverns of the United States - Powell

      • Alabama Cave Survey, 1980

      • Alabama Geological Survey C53 - Caves of Madison County

      • An Introduction to Caves and Cave Exploring in Georgia - Beck

      • Archeological Investigations in Ozark Caves

      • Arkansas Geology, Karst and Caverns - Educational Workshop Series 07

      • Australian Caves and Karst Systems - Webb et al

      • Bulletin 117 Geology of Carlsbad Cavern

      • Bulletin 1673 Selected caves near Lava Beds National Monument

      • Cave and Karst Systems of Hungary - Veress and Leél-Őssy

      • Cave and Karst Systems of Romania - Ponta and Onac

      • Cave Exploration in Slovenia - Knez and Slabe

      • Caverns of Virginia - Holsinger

      • Caverns of Virginia - McGill, 1933

      • Caves and Karst of Kentucky KGS11SP12

      • Caves and Karst of the Greenbrier Valley in West Virginia - White

      • Caves and karst of the Niagara Escarpment - Zachariasen

      • Caves and Karst of the Upper Midwest, USA Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin - Brick et al

      • Caves and Karst of the Water Sinks Area - Lucas

      • Caves and Karst of Turkey Volume 1 - Yamaç et al

      • Caves and Karst of Turkey Volume 2 - Günay et al

      • Caves and Speleology in Bulgaria - Beron and Daaliev

      • Caves in Kansas - Young

      • Caves of Fall Creek Falls - Matthews

      • Caves of Grassy Cove - Matthews

      • Caves of Illinois - Bretz

      • Caves of Maryland MGS ES3

      • Caves of Missouri - Bretz

      • Caves of Southeastern Pennsylvania - Reich Jr

      • Caves of the Highland Rim - Matthews

      • Caves of the North Cumberland Plateau - Matthews

      • Caves of Virginia - Henry H. Douglas

      • Caves of Washington State

      • Caves of Western Pennsylvania

      • Caves of Wyoming Bulletin 59

      • Catalogue of the Azorean Volcanic Caves - Pereira et al

      • Descriptions of Virginia Caves Bulletin 85 - Hosinger

      • Florida Springs

      • Geology and Biology of Pennsylvania Caves

      • Great Smoky Mountains National Park Service Cave Management Thesis

      • Hypogene Karst of Texas - Texas Speleological Survey Monograph 3

      • Karst and Caves of Great Britain - D. Palmer

      • Karst in China Its Geomorphology and Environment - Sweeting

      • Karst of East Herzegovina and Dubrovnik Littoral - Milanović

      • Karst of Sicily - Ruggieri

      • Karst of the Schoharie Valley, New York - Palmer et al

      • Lagoa Santa Karst Brazil's Iconic Karst Region - Auler and Pessoa

      • Lava Beds Caving Guide

      • List of Wisconsin Caves - Peters

      • Main karst and caves of Switzerland

      • Mammoth Cave - Hobbs III

      • Mammoth Cave National Park Reflections - Klass

      • MAR Bulletin 4 Caves of the Shippensburg Area - Smeltzer

      • Missouri Caves

      • New Jersey Caves Bulletin 70 Plate 1

      • New York State Museum Bulletin 199 Adirondack Graphite Deposits - Alling

      • PA Cave Database Manual

      • Pennsylvania Springs

      • Rockeater Files

      • Sinkholes, Caves, and Springs - Karst Development in Central Butler County, Kansas - Bain

      • Speleology of Montenegro - Barovic

      • Springs of East Tennessee

      • Springs of Missouri

      • Structural and Lithological Influences on the Tony Grove Alpine Karst -Bahr

      • Subterranean Twin Cities Minnesota - Brick

      • Sulfate Karst of Perm Region (Russia) - Maksimovich et al

      • The Ankarana Plateau in Madagascar Tsingy, Caves, Volcanoes and Sapphires - Gilli

      • The Beka-Ocizla Cave System - Knez

      • The Caves of Burnsville Cove - White

      • The Caves of Burnsville Cove Emory Dye Traces - White

      • The Cumberland Plateau of Eastern Kentucky - Florea

      • The Dinaric Karst System of Croatia - Garasic

      • The Forgotten Caves of Bisbee, Arizona - Graeme

      • The Karst Systems of Florida Understanding Karst in a Geologically Young Terrain - Upchurch et al

      • The Lands of Karst - Kresic and Stevanovic

      • The Middle Paleolithic Site of Pech de l’Azé IV - Harold L. Dibble

      • Vermont Caves A geologic and historical guide - Quick

    • Science

      • An Analytical Study of Air Circulation in Caves - Cigna

      • Appalachian karst symposium - Kastning, 1991

      • Bat Identification

      • Carbonate Erosion Rates of Southeast Alaska - Allred

      • Cave exploration as a guide to geologic research in the Appalachians - JCKS

      • Cave Morphology

      • Cave Sediments: Physical and Chemical Records of Paleoclimate - Sasowsky and Mylroie.pdf

      • Decontamination Protocol

      • Dynamic Tectonics and Karst - Stefan Shanov, Konstantin Kostov

      • Encyclopedia of Caves 1e - Culver and White

      • Encyclopedia of Caves 2e - White and Culver

      • Encyclopedia of Caves 3e - White

      • Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science - Gunn

      • Glaciation and Speleogenesis - Cooper and Mylroie

      • Gravimetric study of the missing link, Cobleskill Plateau - Weremeichik

      • Guide to the geology and paleontology of the Schoharie Valley in eastern New York, April 1906 - NYS Museum Bulletin 92

      • Guide to the geology and paleontology of the Schoharie Valley in eastern New York, April 1906 Map - NYS Museum Bulletin 92

      • Hypogene Karst - Klimchouk

      • Hypogene Speleogenesis in the Southern Ozarks - Brahana et al

      • Ice Caves - Persoiu and Lauritzen

      • Is Caving Safer than Driving a Car

      • Karst Hydrology and Physical Speleology - Bögli

      • Karstic aquifer conceptual model

      • Karstology: Karsts, caves and springs - Fandel and Gilli

      • New York Stratigraphy - Rickard 1962

      • Origin of Caves - Palmer 1991

      • Post-Glacial Speleogenesis - Mylroie

      • Strike & Dip

      • Tectonic Control of Hypogene Speleogenesis in the Southern Ozarks

      • The Importance of Cave Exploration to Scientific Research - Kambesis

      • Venezuelan Tepuis - Comenius University in Bratislava

      • Wind

    • Technique

      • Alpine Cave Techniques - Marbach and Tourte

      • Cave Rescue Training

      • Difficulty Rating System

      • Frog Ascending System - Oliphant

      • Frogger Adjustments

      • Life on a Line - Merchant

      • Map Symbols - the official UIS list

      • Mapping Cheat Sheet

      • Mapping Grades 2010 - offical UIS

      • Molefone

      • On Rope - Padgett and Smith

      • OUCC SRT Guide

      • PETZL

      • SRT

      • SRT Rigging

      • Vertical - Warild

      • VPI Training

    • Laws and Policies

      • Courtesy

      • Indemnity Form to give landowner

      • Landowner relations

      • New York General Obligations Law - GOB § 9-103

      • State Cave Protection Laws

    • Diaries

      • Chronicle of the Old Reading Grotto - Lewis

      • Caving with Mitch - Abernethy

      • RW Carroll II

  • Periodicals

    • Alaskan Caver

    • AMCS Bulletins (Association for Mexican Cave Studies)

    • AMCS Newsletter (Association for Mexican Cave Studies)

    • American Caving Accidents

    • Australian Caver

    • Beneath the Forest (USFS)

    • Canyons & Caves (USNPS)

    • Capital Caver (TCMA)

    • Cascade Caver

    • Cave Diggers

    • Cave Talk (Middle GA)

    • CIG (Central Indiana)

    • COG Squeaks

    • Compass and Tape

    • Convention Guidebooks

    • CRF (Bi)Annual Report

    • CRF Newsletter

    • Espeleo informe Costa Rica

    • FCG CVC

    • Florida Cave Cavort

    • Flowstone (Cullman, AL grotto)

    • Georgia Spelunker

    • Greater Allentown Grotto Newsletter

    • Guano (Kansas City Area Grotto)

    • ICS Guidebooks (International Congress of Speleology)

    • IGME (Boletín Geológico y Minero issue on caves)

    • IJS (International Journal of Speleology)

    • Inside Earth (USNPS Cave Newsletter)

    • Intercom (Iowa)

    • Journal of Cave and Karst Studies

    • Journal of Spelean History

    • KSS (Kentucky Speleological Survey)

    • - la-rivista

    • Lechuguilla Newsletter

    • MET Grotto

    • MO Speleo

    • NCKMS Proceedings

    • Nittany Grotto News

    • NJGS Bulletins

    • Northeastern Caver

    • NRO Guidebooks

    • NSS Bulletins

    • NSS News

    • Nylon Highway (NSS Vertical Section)

    • Oregon Speleograph

    • Pack Rat Scat (Allentown; GAG)

    • Peru

    • Pholeos (Wittenberg University OH)

    • Pittsburg Grotto

    • Puerto Rico

    • Region Record (VAR)

    • Sag Rag (Arizona)

    • SE Caver

    • Speleo Digest

    • Speleo Spiel (Southern Tasmanian Caverneers)

    • Speleonics

    • TAG Caver

    • Texas Caver

    • TSS (Texas Speleological Survey)

    • USDCT - Cheve

    • Utah Caver Annual

    • VCA Newsletter

    • VPI Grapevine

    • VPI Signouts

    • VPI Sivtac News

    • VPI Trog

    • WVaSS Bulletins

    • WVCC The Open Cave

    • York Grotto Newsletters

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